Become a
Camp Intern
Discipline. Attitude. Respect. Character. Serving as an intern at Oklahoma Youth Camp allows you the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to team with Oklahoma Youth Ministries and gives you the personal opportunity to grow and develop skills that will last a lifetime.
As you consider applying to become a youth camp intern check out some of the jobs, you will be asked to do. You will work hard! Being a youth camp intern includes the following and so much more.
Long Work Days
Working on teams with other interns.
Media & Sound
A variety of set up, tear down and clean up duties.
Those chosen as summer interns are few, but they are among the hardest-working students from our state. As you work long hours, getting your hands dirty and motivating yourself to get up each day on very little sleep, you will also be building valuable character traits within yourself. Among many others, former interns have told us serving as camp intern built their character, taught them flexibility, gave them a strong work ethic, helped them build lifelong friendships with peers, and strengthened their hearts to serve both the students and the leaders of our state. Check out these personal recommendations from former Oklahoma Youth Camp interns!
If you are interested in becoming an Oklahoma Youth Camp intern, please download and complete the application below. We will only be accepting a select number of interns for our summer session so fill out your application as soon as possible! We look forward to meeting you and can only hope that we will have the opportunity to serve with you this summer!
WE over ME,
Heath and Alisha Corrales
Oklahoma District Youth Directors
Applications due April 8, 2024