The Oklahoma Men's Ministries department exists to assist men in their walk with the Lord. By helping men have the Courage to begin their relationship with the Lord, the Strength to develop discipleship necessary to walk according to the Word and the Endurance to live a victorious life through the power of the Holy Spirit. As a result, we believe their family, friends, churches, and future generations will be impacted as men fulfill their God-given purpose.
This level focuses on men who are discovering Christ or taking their first steps in Christ. The courage level will give application and implementation exercises for spiritual growth.
This level assists men who have a relationship with Christ and are in the local church. The strength level will focus on discipleship growth applications and implementation resources to strengthen their relationships and encourage men as they serve Christ in their church and daily life.
This level gives encouragement and engagement of Kingdom principles so those who are currently serving in key leadership assignments will find a deeper sense of their spiritual purpose in ministry.
Light for the Lost has one purpose, to empower the church to provide God's Word for everyone worldwide. LFTL provides various resources, including audio, visual, and printed materials, to facilitate evangelism opportunities for missionaries in the field.
Light for the Lost is resourced through the generous giving and support of churches, businesses, and individuals passionate about seeing the message of hope presented to all people. John 4:35 says, "Look...lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest." Our partnership with missionaries multiplies and empowers their efforts and results in an exponential return on the seeds planted in the hearts and lives of people they minister to. Will you join in this end-time harvest by providing the resources missionaries need to reach people for Christ?
You can partner with missionaries and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ by contributing today with a special gift. Follow the link below to set up a one-time donation or a recurring gift to LFTL and make a Kingdom impact!