Hello, Oklahoma Next Gen Leader!
Welcome to the Youth Camp! We’re thrilled to have you as part of another amazing year out at Camp Cargill. Our team is so excited and ready to provide an unforgettable experience for you and your students. This guide is designed to equip you with the resources, information, and requirements you’ll need to create a safe, impactful, and fun environment where young people can grow in their faith, build meaningful relationships, and experience the love of Christ in new and powerful ways. Whether you’re praying for young people at the altar, leading small groups, or coaching your students during games, your role is vital in helping make this camp a memorable and transformative experience. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to serving the next generation of believers—together, we’re making an eternal difference!
We love being your DYDs!
Heath and Alisha Corrales
OKAG Kids would like to extend their deepest gratitude to you for your help in ensuring kids can attend camp. Thank you for all your time and effort; it does not go unnoticed. Kids who attend camp are given a week to encounter God, have fun, and change their lives forever. This would not happen without dedicated individuals like you!
Jason and Sumer Warnock

Dates to Remember
Registration Dates
Youth Camps & I Camp:
OKAG Churches – November 13, 2024, at 9:00 am
Non-OKAG Churches – January 31, 2025 at 9:00 am
Kids Camps:
OKAG Churches – January 15, 2025, at 9:00 am
Non-OKAG Churches – January 31, 2025, at 9:00 am
Staff Requirement Dates
Staff Requirement Dates
Staff and Student Names* can be added to Brushfire beginning on the following dates:
Youth Camps: March 3–17
Kids Camps: April 7–21
*Student names will be available until the final drop date
Staff Applications and $15 Refund Deadline:
Youth Camps: March 24
Kids Camps: April 28
Remaining Staff Requirements
Youth Camps: April 23
Kids Camps: May 27
Final Drop Dates
*Suggested time to have Camper Medical Forms completed
Youth Camps:
Youth Camp 1 – May 12
Youth Camp 2 – May 14
Youth Camp 3 – May 19
Youth Camp 4 – May 26
Youth Camp 5 – June 2
Youth Camp 6 – June 9
I Camp – June 16
Kids Camps:
Kids Camp 1 – June 23
Kids Camp 2 – June 30
Kids Camp 3 – July 7
Little Radicals – July 14
Online Registration
OKAG Network Churches will receive an email from Oklahoma Assemblies of God with the CAMP ACCESS CODE to register for camp before Brushfire Registration is live. Non-OKAG church will be able to register for camp without an access code on January 31, 2025.
Find the link to register your group for camp at okag.org/youthcamp or okag.org/kidscamp.
Select the number of Male and Female Campers and the number of Male and Female Staff you are bringing to camp.No names will be required at this time.
Follow Brushfire’s prompts to create a group. Remember to record the password to manage your group. This will be important to keeping up with the progress of your staff’ registration.
Follow Brushfire’s prompts to pay your deposits for campers ($30) and the full amount for each staff ($60).
Staff spots are non-transferable and non-refundable.
Payment can be made with a credit card, or you can select to pay with a check. To pay with a check, mail check to OYM Camps or OCM Camps PO Box 13179, Oklahoma City, Ok 73131. Checks must be received by January 15, 2025. If you select to pay with a check, this locks in the method of payment and cannot be changed.
The remaining balance for camp may be paid at any time up until Camp Check-in. All balances must be paid in full at Camp Check-in.
Decide who your staff are, gather their legal name and email address.
Enter Staff names in Brushfire during the 2-week window. If names are not entered during this time frame you will need to email your staff applicants names and email addresses to the appropriate email, or they WILL NOT be cleared in time for camp. Youth Camp: youth@okag.org or I Camp, Kids Camp, Little Radicals: kids@okag.org
After their information is entered in Brushfire each staff will automatically receive a Staff Application. Character and Pastor References can be sent by the staff applicant or the group coordinator, however it is the responsibility of the coordinator to ensure these forms are completed for each staff.
Character References cannot be filled out by any relation or spouse.
Pastor References need to be filled out by a senior pastor and cannot be filled out by any relative. In this case, please contact the section’s Presbyter.
Ministry Safe Training and Background Check links will not be sent until the Staff Application has been completed.
After a staff’s name and email is entered in Brushfire, any changes in personnel will require the purchase of a new staff spot. NO STAFF APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED THE WEEK PRIOR TO THE CAMP YOU ARE ATTENDING.
Staff attending camp with your group will be required to have these documents on file before they are allowed to stay at camp:
Staff Application (A Medical Form is part of this application.)
Pastor Reference
Character Reference
Ministry Safe Background Check (All Background Checks must be run through OKAG account with Ministry Safe. If a staff has had a background check for OKAG from 2024, we will not ask for a new one. We cannot accept a background check from another organization)
Ministry Safe Training Certificate (This must be achieved through OKAG Ministry Safe Account we cannot accept another organization’s certificate.)
At any point during the pre-camp process, a one-time $20 late fee will be added to each staff applicant if a deadline has been missed on any staff requirements.
Brushfire is now integrated with our Staff Application process! This means you will be able see when your staff has completed their Staff Application.It is vital that you record your Brushfire group password to manage your account. Ministry Safe Training and Background Check info will not be linked through the Brushfire software. Each staff will be sent the appropriate links when the Staff Application is completed. Check with your staff to track their progress with Ministry Safe Training and Background Checks, as well as their Character and Pastor References.
All forms are digital. There are no paper forms
At the same time you are able to add staff information in Brushfire, you may go into your group in Brushfire and add your camper’s names.
These are NOT linked to a Medical Form as the Staff spots are and may be changed as your group changes. You may change them up until camp. We will use your Brushfire roster to compare names of the Medical Forms.
The Camp Coordinator is responsible for finding the link in the confirmation email and making it available to parents.
We recommend that you have your parents complete the Medical Form two weeks before camp, if possible. We understand that last-minute substitutions may happen and when they do, please have the parent complete the Medical Form as soon as possible. We also recommend that you ask your parents to forward their confirmation email to you so you can know that the Medical Form is complete.
Important Information
On this day all Staff Applications for Youth/OCM camps are due. A $20 late fee will be applied to any staff who have not yet completed their Staff Applications. Up until this day any camper spots dropped will receive a partial refund of $15. After this date no refund will be given for dropped camper spots, but you will not be responsible for the remaining balance of the camper spot dropped.
On this date all Pastor and Character References, Ministry Safe Trainings, and Background Check Questionnaires are due. A $20 late fee will be applied to the group for any staff that does not have all documents completed.
The Final Drop Date is 2 weeks before the camp you are attending (see timeline). This is the last day that you may drop camper spots without paying the remaining balance. You will forfeit the $30 deposit but not be responsible for the total cost of a camper. After this date you will be completely responsible for all camper spots in your group whether they are filled or not.
Collect and organize all student medication from your group. All medication sent from home, prescription and over the counter, including natural/homeopathic methods and essential oils, must be turned in to our camp nurse’s office at check-in. The best way to do this is for each student to have a Ziploc bag with his/her name and your Church City and Church Name clearly written on it. This will help our nurses organize medicine for hundreds of campers in a timely manner. You can then place all the Ziploc bags from your group inside a larger bag or container for easy transportation to camp and back home. All medication must be in the original bottle or packaging to be turned in to the nurse. We cannot accept or administer any medication not in its original bottle, packaging, or past expiration date.
If your staff or student has a dietary restriction or allergy, please email youth@okag.org or kids@okag.org. We may be able to make accommodations for gluten-free or gluten-sensitive diets if known three weeks before Camp. At on-site registration in the Rock, please let the camp staff know. We may not be able to accommodate other restrictions. Those who have restrictions are more than welcome to bring their own food. We have a fridge and microwave in the Dining Center to store and heat their food. It is the responsibility of the coach or student to prepare any of these stored foods.