Every Child Needs a Home
What if every church did something?
There has never been a better time to develop a foster care, adoption and support ministry
Get started by educating yourself and your team: learn statistics for your county, find book recommendations, recognize Stand Sunday, utilize our free prayer guide, and invite a missionary to share with your congregation. Our list of resources is here to equip you to do the work God is calling you to.
OKAGFCN is pleased to partner with stellar organizations ready and waiting to serve you. From faith-based organizations like 111 Project to DHS to our own AG licensing agency, we are all working together to help hurting kids and families encounter the life-changing compassion of Jesus Christ.
OKAGFCN wants to equip you with everything you need to start a ministry at your church. Schedule a free church assessment to learn more about church workshops and connect with licensing agencies and/or child welfare in your area.

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. – James 1:27 (NASB)
Will your church be a part of the solution?
Right here in our own backyard, thousands of children are in the Oklahoma foster care system. Yet solving the Oklahoma orphan care crisis is amazingly simple: If just one family in each of the 6,500 Oklahoma churches would adopt or foster one of the 5,800 children waiting for a family, we’d essentially have more families waiting for children than children waiting for families.
Whether your church is looking to start a foster care and adoption ministry, has robust foster care and adoption support services, or is somewhere in between, OKAG is ready to guide you step-by-step to help your church answer the call!
In Oklahoma
Foster Care
Church Survey
The Oklahoma Assemblies of God Foster Care Network exists to educate, engage, and empower every OKAG Church to help meet the growing needs of foster care in Oklahoma. This survey will help us gain valuable information to serve you and your congregation well.